Host Eric Rezsnyak and panelists Curtis Creekmore, Joelle Boedecker, and Kevin Dillon strike up the band and cue up the chorus as they debate the best Broadway musicals that have won Best Musical.

Want to play along at home? You can download the listener bracket for the episode by clicking here.

Want to listen to songs from the nominated shows? We made a handy playlist for you, and you can find it right here!

If you want to listen to Part 1, in which the panelists discuss the Top 32 and debate down to the Sweet 16, become a Patreon supporter at the $5/mo. level or greater.

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Karen K
2 years ago

I LOVED this podcast, I’ve become a big Broadway fan the last few years and I’m really obsessed. This was a TOUGH bracket and my top 2 were Rent and A Chorus Line. (Hamilton was #3). Ultimately I went with A Chorus Line because it’s one of the first musicals I ever saw and because it’s just so important in Broadway history — it’s one of the first long, long running musicals and it really was pivotal in bringing back Broadway and NY in the 1970s when Broadway was at a real low point. Plus what’s more Broadway than a musical ABOUT Broadway? And the songs are great. (Full disclosure: I’ve never seen RENT live, just the proshot of the last live Broadway performance, but I do have tickets for TWO different products in the next six months including the 25th anniversary tour.

Anyway, loved the podcast and I look forward to going back and discovering all the past brackets and arguments.

Eric Rezsnyak
Reply to  Karen K
2 years ago

Thank you so much, Karen! We are so glad you love the podcast!