Great Pop Culture Debate

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QUIZ: Name That Hair Metal Band

BY Eric Rezsnyak

For much of the 80s and into the early 90s, American rock was dominated by the bands lumped under the somewhat dismissive term "hair metal." The music was defined by sick guitar riffs, soaring vocals, and unforgettable choruses. And while the acts lost their spots on the top of the charts once grunge moved in, the music of these incredibly talented acts cannot be denied, and remains heard in bars and stadiums to this day.

And let's just say it: yes, their hair WAS fabulous.

For this week's visual puzzle, the Great Pop Culture Debate has put forward photos of 8 of the most iconic hair-metal bands of all time. While some might bristle -- sorry about the comb pun -- at the designation, they all rocked, and they all had long, luscious locks. Can you ID them all?

Scroll down for the answers! Don’t cheat; that's a Cheap Trick.















SPOILER WARNING! You're in the jungle, baby! Don’t scroll any further unless you want to know the answers!

Here are the answers:

  1. Van Halen

  2. Bon Jovi

  3. Twisted Sister

  4. Whitesnake

  5. Guns 'n' Roses

  6. Poison

  7. Motley Crue

  8. RATT

Did you get them all right? Enjoy these top hits from each of these legendary bands:

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