TOP 10: Songs from “The Book of Mormon”
We rank our 10 favorite songs from the shockingly audacious — and hummable — Broadway music, The Book of Mormon
TOP 10: Cheers & Jeers from 2024 Tony Nominations
GPCD Panelist Kevin Dillon offers his applause and criticisms of the 2024 Tony nominations.
TOP 10: Songs from the “Mean Girls” Musical
Our picks for the best songs featured in the “Mean Girls” Broadway musical. And none for Gretchen Weiners, BYE!
TOP 10: Most Miserable Characters in "Les Miserables"
We consider who has it worst of the bad-news buffets that star in the stage and screen adaptations of “Les Miserables.”
TOP 10: Musicals That DIDN'T Win Best Musical
The Grammys don’t always get it right. Check out Curtis Creekmore’s list of Broadway musicals that SHOULD have won Best Musical.