Great Pop Culture Debate

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Curtis Creekmore

Curtis spent his formative years in the company of a television’s warm glow, cultivating an acerbic and dry sense of humor while simultaneously distancing himself further from the general public. A certified Appalachian Homosexual, he escaped the South and turned his shame and self-loathing into an award-winning* drag persona, Miss Jolene Sugarbaker Devereaux. You can find her defunct, neglected social media page on Facebook. Curtis does not maintain his own social media presence. He is the worst millennial. Curtis's life in front of the TV screen helped him develop a cadre of useless facts and obnoxious opinions that he is absolutely willing to share with you for free. He is also a video game fanatic, but only plays cute things available on Nintendo. I said he was gay, right?

(*the awards were not very good)

Curtis’s Latest Episodes

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Curtis’s Recent Blogs

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