Open Polls
POLL: Best John Williams Film Score
John Williams has been one of the most prolific and influential film composters of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. We want to celebrate his historic career, and need your help picking his 16 most iconic scores.
POLL: Best 1990s Kids Film (CLOSED)
The 1990s were jam-packed with films made for kid audiences, from top-tier animated films to lots of kid-fronted adventures, to SO many sports films. Pick your favorites!
POLL: Best Film of 1988 (CLOSED)
1988 was a big year for movies. We want to look back at some of the biggest films released that year and determine the BEST -- and we need YOUR votes!
POLL: Best “Best Actor” Oscar Winner (CLOSED)
Since 1928, 86 actors have been awarded with the Best Actor honor from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences. We want to discuss the very best of them, and we need YOUR votes.
POLL: Best Oscar Winner for Best Song (CLOSED)
Each year, the Oscars bestow the Best Original Song award to a particularly notable song featured in a major motion picture. We need YOUR VOTES on this poll to help us determine the 16 best Best Song winners of all time.