Best “Best Picture” Oscar Winner

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has named Best Picture every year since 1929. That means there have been nearly 100 films to win the Oscar for Best Picture. This week, host Eric Rezsnyak and panelists Karissa Kloss, Kevin Dillon, and Mike Rapin debate the dramas, the musicals, the thrillers, and the occasional comedy to win the Academy's highest honor. Films discussed include Casablanca, The Departed, Amadeus, West Side Story, Gone with the Wind, The Godfather, Rocky, Silence of the Lambs, American Beauty, The Sound of Music, Chicago, Lawrence of Arabia, All About Eve, Moonlight, Schindler’s List, No Country for Old Men, Titanic, and many more.

Once you’re finished listening to Part 1, make it a double feature by listening to Part 2; both are posted above! Warning: this acceptance speech goes on a little long, but we promise it's worth it -- don't play us off.

Want to play along at home? Here's the Listener Bracket. Just hit "Make a Copy," fill it out, and see how your picks compared to the panel.

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Best “Best Actress” Oscar Winner

Best Emmy Winner for Best Drama

Best Tony Winner for Best Musical

Top 10 2024 Oscar Snubs

Round 1 Match-Ups:

Match-Up 1: Casablanca (1) vs. Annie Hall (8)

Match-Up 2: The Departed (4) vs. Amadeus (5)

Match-Up 3: West Side Story (3) vs. Gone with the Wind (6)

Match-Up 4: The Godfather (2) vs. Rocky (7)

Match-Up 5: Silence of the Lambs (1) vs. Kramer vs. Kramer (8)

Match-Up 6: American Beauty (4) vs. The Sound of Music (5)

Match-Up 9: Parasite (1) vs. The Shape of Water (8)

Match-Up 11: The Godfather Part II (3) vs. The Apartment (6)

Match-Up 12: Moonlight (2) vs. Spotlight (7)

Match-Up 13: Schindler’s List (1) vs. On the Waterfront (8)

Match-Up 14: 12 Years a Slave (4) vs. Forrest Gump (5)

Match-Up 15: Titanic (3) vs. Gladiator (6)

Match-Up 16: No Country for Old Men (2) vs. Slumdog Millionaire (7)

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Host: Eric Rezsnyak

Panel: Karissa Kloss, Kevin Dillon, Mike Rapin

Producer: Mike Rapin

Editor: Jeffery Perry


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