Best X-Men Team Member

To me, my Debaters! Marvel's X-Men have had a plethora of merry mutants (and even a few non-mutants!) join their ranks over the past 50-plus years. Join host Eric Rezsnyak and panelists Kevin Dillon and MIke Rapin as they summon the focused totality of their psychic powers to debate who is the Best X-Men Member Ever! Characters discussed: Professor Xavier, Cyclops, Jean Grey/Phoenix, Beast, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Cable, Jubilee, M/Penance, Emma Frost, Cannonball, Domino, and more!

Want to play along at home? Click here for the downloadable listener bracket. Make a copy for yourself, fill it out to the end, and see if your picks match up with ours!

NOTE: This episode is part of Season 0, our β€œtest run” episodes that predated the launch of the podcast. Season 0 episodes are only available to Patreon subscribers. To listen to them, as well as countless hours of other exclusive Patreon content, become a supporter of the podcast today.

Round 1 Match-Ups:

Match-Up 1: Rogue (1) vs. Cannonball (8)

Match-Up 2: Magik (4) vs. Jubilee (5)

Match-Up 4: Magneto (2) vs. Dazzler (7)

Match-Up 5: Nightcrawler (1) vs. Wolfesbane (8)

Match-Up 6: X-23/Wolverine II (4) vs. Dani Moonstar/Mirage (5)

Match-Up 7: Jean Grey/Phoenix (3) vs. Professor X (6)

Match-Up 8: Cyclops (2) vs. Domino (7)

Match-Up 9: Storm (1) vs. Blink (8)

Match-Up 10: Iceman (4) vs. Cable (5)

Match-Up 11: Gambit (3) vs. Mystique (6)

Match-Up 12: Colossus (2) vs. M/Penance (7)

Match-Up 13: Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (1) vs. Multiple Man (8)

Match-Up 14: Beast (4) vs. Angel/Archangel (5)

Match-Up 15: Psylocke (3) vs. Polaris (6)

Match-Up 16: Wolverine (Logan) (2) vs. Havok (7)

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Episode Credits

Host: Eric Rezsnyak

Panel: Kevin Dillon, Mike Rapin

Editor: Mike Rapin


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